// Phase 1 Commands

touch phase_1.txt // creates phase 1 sol doc
objdump -d ./rtarget > rtarget.txt // phase 2 
./hex2raw < level3.txt | ./ctarget // Runs the Command
./hex2raw < phase_1.txt | ./ctarget // Runs the Command

./hex2raw <phase_1.txt>phase_1raw.txt // to raw
./ctarget -i phase_1raw.txt

gcc -c l3.s // turns assembly into binary 
objdump -d l3.o > l3-code.txt // binary to encoding
gdb --args ctarget -i l3raw.txt // run with args

./hex2raw <level3.txt>phase_3raw.txt // to raw
gdb --args ctarget -i phase_3raw.txt // run with args
gcc -c level3.s 
objdump -d level3.o > l3-code.txt

./hex2raw < level3.txt | ./ctarget // Runs the Command