Initial Data Tree


Values to Know

4294967295 - UMAX 0xFFFFFFFFF

2147483647 - TMAX 0x0FFFFFFFF

0xF000000 - TMIN

0x00000001 - UMIN

TMAX + 1 is -2^31

Largest n-bit signed number is $2^{n-1}-1$

Smallest unsigned int minus one is $2^{32}-1$

Largest float is bigger than anything else

UI long→ pointer without losing precision


Suffix for Moving Data:

b - byte - 8bit - associated with char
w - word - 16bit - associated with short
l - long - 32bit - associated with int
q - quad - 64 bit - associated with long, double, pointer

// float - 4 bytes
// double - 8 bytes
// pointr - 4 bytes?

Integer Representation

Signed and Unsigned Numbers
