Compiler Optimizations (Software)

Compiler Optimization Process

  1. Code is sent to the compiler
  2. The compiler creates an abstract syntax tree, with arguments and function calls (code)
  3. The compiler creates an intermediate representation control data flow graph (similar to assembly)
    1. They have abstract instructions, infinite registers…
  4. Optimizations occur to the CDFG ^
  5. Code Generation → chooses registers, choosing instructions, choosing assembly layout

Limitations of Compilers

void cs33fun(char* Midterm, char* Grade, int* Final, int n) {
	for (int i = 0; i < (strlen(Midterm)); i++) { //can move strlen midterm
		strcat(Grade, Midterm); // cannot move out (essential for logic)
		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
			for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
				Final[j] += strlen(Grade); // cannot move this outside since changes over iter.
																	// we can move it after the first loop

Useful General Optimizations

Code Motion: When the compiler will go ahead and reduce the number of times the code needs to be compiled.

void set_row(double *a,   
  double *b, long i, long n)
    long j;
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
	a[n*i+j] = b[j];

// Optimized
long j;
int ni = n*i;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
     a[ni+j] = b[j];

Reduction in Strength: Replace a costly operation with a simpler one (multiplication to shifting)

Share Common Subexpressions: Reuse some of the portions of the expressions so that it will not have to repeat the calculations

/* Sum neighbors of i,j */
up =    val[(i-1)*n + j  ];
down =  val[(i+1)*n + j  ];
left =  val[i*n     + j-1];
right = val[i*n     + j+1];
sum = up + down + left + right;

// Optimized
long inj = i*n + j; // optimized line
up =    val[inj - n];
down =  val[inj + n];
left =  val[inj - 1];
right = val[inj + 1];
sum = up + down + left + right;